Saturday, 30 April 2011

Shellybobbins "Heart of the Month" Winner ~ Lovely Sarah x

Richard nominated his lovely wife sarah for Aprils "Heart of the Month" unknown to sarah that any of this was actually going on ! A winner was picked using a random generater, Sarah still didnt know she had won until yesterday when the lovely parcel arrived in tube and her lovely certificate arrived with a handmade made & embroidered heart wrapped in tissue & tied with a ribbon.

Richard sent this lovely picture of sarah holding her heart & certificate he said "Sarah was thriled with her Heart of the Month, Its a lovely idea to offer such a competition, and thank you for helping me being able to show my wife how much I love and appreciate her by holding this competition.

Thank you for sending sarah's picture richard xx Thank you to all those that entered

Remember this competition Runs EVERY MONTH, I will let you all know when the next one is xx

Love Shellybobbins xxx

1 comment:

  1. I love your picture sweety !! So glad you love it ~ what a lovely surprise xxx Well Done xxx Couldnt of gone to a nicer lady

    Love Shellybobbins xxx
