Thursday, 6 October 2011

Shellybobbins wins Tickets from CFM's Robbie Dee to see Buddy Hollie at the sandcentre carlisle

CFM our local Radio station in cumbria had a competition on this morning to win tickets to the musical Buddy Holly ~~~~~~ this bit Id missed
I just heard the piece which said send in your text messages if you have met a celebrity recently, Well I had Theo Paphitis, so I sent in a text message saying Id been through to Newcastle to see Theo & how lovely he was too very kind & caring also mentioned to Robbie Dee that Theo's creating jobs up & down the UK with the opening of many shops called Boux Avenue, I also mentioned I'm a small business Sunday winner too, I thanked Robbie Dee as He did say Shellybobbins you have WON tickets to go and see the Buddy Hollie the musical !!! I didn't even know just so lovely getting carried away having a chat with our local cumbria DJ

Ive told Robbie Dee I'll blog about going and send him the link & pictures that I take on the night

thanks Robbie Dee you lovely man !!

Love Shellybobbins xx

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