seems such along time ago since I blogged this picture was taken on the 6th March 2012, So much has happened little did hubby or I know that 3 hours after this picture was taken we would be hearing our son cry for the very first time, I had to have a emergency section within the 3 hours as noahs head was so big it was actually life threating for both of us ! the doctors asked if they could take fluid off noahs brain through my tummy before the birth and we said no as this could harm him, we where able to help a student william lovely lad aged just 19 he looked really sad when he came into threatre mind you so did everyone, as we'd been told noah wouldnt live and thats why we had put everything into place with noahs funeral in the january, william how ever was interested to do a case study for newcastle uni and put together a presentation, we where able to help william over the week with very personal interviews and feelings about the whole experience and later with another 7 students that came to the ward, everyone was expecting including ourself that noah would maybe live mins,hours,days ? his condition was expected to be that bad !

Our little noah what a journey already my darling little boy so much fluid in his body and his head was so huge made his eyes roll about, i was convinced noah was blind too, noah had to be lay on his side because of his spina bifida
Doctors did say this was alot better than expected and also they where able to close it ! I remember just crying happy tears thinking my god my babys alive and hes not going to die !
our girls in special care baby unit ally was crying holding noahs hand and looked at me said "mum noahs breathing isnt it amazing"
Forms where signed and mummy & daddy and our girls followed noah down to threatre 48 hours after he was born to have his back closed up this travelling cots called an "ARK" it was a sign !!! ;0)

Noah had his back closed up after the doctors saying it would be far to big to be closed up ! amazing Miss Nicolson did an amazing job and we could never thank her and her team enough for what they did for noah x

also a shunt was fitted into noahs head for his hydrocephalus as this point we where told noah had the 1/4 left handside of his brain missing
Doesnt noah look lost intensive care, I couldnt leave his side at all, apart from taking these photos the rest of the time i just held his hand.
Our lovely nurse looking after noah in intensive care giving noah his very first taste of breast milk (9th march 2012) sad it was through a tube after expressing every 2 hours night & day since he was born but a very good start to life !

daddies having cuddles with noah

Noah Wall how amazing you are ! as you can see from the picture noahs shunts quite far back and after we left noahs scar kept leaking ;0( we had so many trips to the hospital for gluing and re-stitching
noah needed his shunt removed and a 7 week stay in hospital after noah getting an infection in his brain fluid (CSF fluid), because noah had his shunt removed the doctors had to do whats called daily taps and remove the fluid by placing a needle and draining off 20/40ml of brain/spinal fluid

This made noah have hurrendous headaches, noah would try and sleep but it was really difficult as every little noise would wake him even his own suck on his dummy, you could tell with his cry he was in alot of pain when the infection had gone another shunt was put in the opposite side of his head and whats called a wash out 2 Ltr's where used as the protein level in the brain fluid was still really high and this would of blocked the new shunt so the shunt a little further forward to save noah catching it when he turned his head, and time for noahs own body to replace the brain fluid (CSF fluid) it was decided for the best to stay in hospital until the stitches where removed
we where in the best place after all RVI newcastle hospital was amazing

as you can see from this phone picture that noah doesnt have much brain at all, its the grey bit at the front also as you can see his eye socket doesnt have anything contecting them either
To think noah knows to open his own eyes, now crys & makes a fuss for his food is incredable hes bending his legs, laughing, smiling, eating baby rice, reaching for things, and very recent trying to crawl, it doesnt seem as if im typing talking about the same baby !!!
noahs amazing every day he shows us something incredable !
the shine charity have been fabulous with us and offered us alot of help they where kind enough to put noah in the online magazine called "Together" noahs on page 19
we received so many messages, cards & beautiful gifts thank you very much
the support on facebook, twitter did keep me going every day knowing I wasnt alone and especially when hubby had to go back home with the girls - school/work etc
Noah - me & my laptop and the whole world facebook & tweeting me back some incredable storys to tell & pictures to show you but now I must go and hug noah
Love Shellybobbins xxx
Such an amazing story, and such an incredible little boy! I love seeing all of your updates about Noah and your family. You are all an inspiration. Lots of love xxxx
ReplyDeletea truly amazing boy with an equally amazing mummy. x Gabs
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOODNESS WHAT A JOURNEY! I have followed your story closely on facebook and twitter and I think you, little Noah, and your husband and daughters are one hell of a family.
ReplyDeleteI will always follow Noahs story as I think he is incredible and feel blessed to no all about him through your posts and tweets.
An absolutely amazing mummy with a truly inspirational, one in a million, brave little prince. We are so honoured to be involved in Noah's story, each day following his progress and sharing in the photographs and videos as you share his development. Noah is a superstar!! Lots of love to you all, love Laura and Gord xxxxx
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing gorgeous little boy you must be so proud of him!
ReplyDeleteoh Shelly I'm blubbing again! Everytime I see that little adorable face I fill up!! You've all been through so much and you're a total inspiration. Noah is such a brilliant little guy..I think he's going to carry on amazing everyone and grow up to be an amazing person just like his mummy! Hope we get to meet up again - I missed my hugs with Noah but was lovely to have one from you. Loads of love to you Mr B the girls and of course Noah xxxx
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing little boy.
ReplyDeleteWow, such strength from both you guys and the little man. We have had our own special journey as well. He looks so full of mischief wishing you all the very best
Follow our story on http://www.little-leon.blogspot.com
Hard to write whilst tears are in my eyes, truly amazing little boy who is fortunate enough to have amazing parents and family. A true show of positive outlook on life. Look forward to the next stage of Noah the Incredible x
ReplyDeleteCame across this amazing story by complete chance on a google search. What an incredible story, I can't fight the tears in my eyes, I think you are all truely amazing & inspirational. Noah is a gorgeous & amazing little boy & wish you all the very best xx
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!!! My name is kim its soooo good to talk to people that are going through the same as me. My lo is 7 mon. And she looked about the exact same when she was born just like noah...bur my daughter is beautiful u couldnt even tell. Our babies need good moms Great job!
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible story - wishing Noah, you and your whole family all the best for the future. An amazing tale of survival against the odds, and I look forward to hearing all about his future successes in life!
ReplyDeleteNoah is a beautiful amazing wee lad that will continue to give smiles of love to everyone xxx